IC01: Understanding People and Brands by Alice Mackenzie (Havas People)

March 29, 2024
Insights Chats
Insights Chats has always been a great source of learning for me. I just rewatched episode 01 with Alice, and here are my random observations:
  • Agency is a great environment to start your insights career.
  • It’s great to combine qual and quant, staring with qual to understand and quant to validate (but it can work both ways)
  • In research, don’t focus only on your competition.
  • When insights don’t show the client what they want to see, reassure them on the methodology used, and walk them through the process of obtaining the data.
  • Ensure that your insights provide solutions to client problems, not only problems.
  • People see the value of research, but sometimes the purpose gets lost.
  • Research should be done before you build anything, not after.
  • Try to expand your role from researcher to trusted advisor and consultant.
  • Be simple and straightforward in your conclusions.
  • Poor, vague briefs happen all the time.
  • Nail your research brief and objectives for the project; everything else comes after that.
  • Your outputs are only as good as your brief.
  • Create a template for research briefs.
  • Always think about “so what” when you see data and insights.
  • If you have a one-page research summary, include three things: research objective, key findings, and next steps.
  • Client satisfaction with research is mainly driven by the quality of your recommendations.
  • Applicable triangle in research: good, cheap, and fast. You can only get two. 🚶🏼

Check the full recording here 👇🏻