Latest books in the Insights/Market research space to check-out:
- Better Brand Health: Measures and Metrics for a How Brands Grow World by Jenni Romaniuk
- Respondent Centred Surveys: Stop, Listen and then Design by Laura Wilson, Emma Dickinson
- Insights on the Brink: Revitalizing the Market Research and Analytics Industry by Brett Townsend, Tim Hoskins
- Research That Scales: The Research Operations Handbook by Kate Towsey
- The Consumer Insights Revolution: Transforming market research for competitive advantage by Steve Phillips, Ryan Barry, Stephan Gans, Kate Schardt
- Interviewing Users: How to Uncover Compelling Insights by Steve Portigal
- What Kind of Researcher Are You?: Little Quick Fix by Janet E. Salmons
- The Secret Lives of Customers: A Detective Story About Solving the Mystery of Customer Behavior by David S. Duncan
- The Little Book of Data: Understanding the Powerful Analytics that Fuel AI, Make or Break Careers, and Could Just End Up Saving the World by Justin Evans
- Effective Data Storytelling: How to Drive Change with Data, Narrative and Visuals by Brent Dykes
- Understanding Survey Methodology: Sociological Theory and Applications by Philip S. Brenner
- Polls, Pollsters, and Public Opinion: A Guide for Decision-Makers by Clifford Young, Kathryn Ziemer
I left a link below to my Goodreads Insights list where you can check out more of these books. 🚶🏼