What skills will be most needed for insights/market research roles in the future? Is it technical or soft skills?
AI and all automation will speed up the whole process of market research and eliminate a lot of the processes we did yesterday and today.
Insights functions will get a lot of new time, and there lies the opportunity for insights people to spend more on “applying the insights” and less on “doing the insights.”
It is a unique opportunity for the industry to evolve into a more strategic/consultant approach and role to make a wider impact on the business.
On Insights Future Live 04, my guest was ⚡️Jake Pryszlak, and we discussed how modern insights roles look today and what we can expect in the future. Link to the full episode is bellow.
Soft skills are always needed, but I think they will play a big part in the future, especially in insights. 🚶🏼