Modern-day Insights role

June 20, 2024
Peekator Industry Views
Modern-day Insights role:
  • Doesn’t create a 60-page PPT presentation
  • Fights for insights in the business
  • In the debrief, speaks about the actions to take from insights
  • Uses multiple data sources
  • Doesn’t use pie charts
  • Knows that data visualization is important, but storytelling even more
  • Doesn’t design surveys that take 25-30 minutes to finish
  • Cares about respondent experience
  • Prioritizes data quality as the number one thing
  • Spends time internally to understand other departments' needs
  • Doesn’t do read-from-slides presentations
  • Understands that insights without actions are not worth much
  • Uses AI to accelerate every part of the research process
  • Is curious to explore new tech and methodologies
  • Has a framework for insights that keeps evolving
  • Asks amazing questions
  • Knows how to write prompts
  • Makes sure that insights get the credit they deserve
  • Represents the voice of the customer inside the business
  • Involves everyone in the research process
  • Is productizing insights
  • Centralizes insights and research to serve as a hub for making decisions
  • Shares insights all across the business in small bite-sized pieces (audio, video, one-pager)
  • Connects insights to strategy and actions to improve sales
  • Tailors the format of insights depending on internal stakeholders
  • Always has a customer story and analogy ready to go
  • Networks and shares the work
  • Focuses on understanding and listening
  • Attends Insights Chats
  • Always asks, “So what?” 🚶🏼