Drag to column question type

May 11, 2023
Peekator Platform

Surveys today are filled with endless lists of text questions, with not much media or interactivity.

By adding a little bit of color and some images, you can already offer more than others.

However, if you incorporate interactive elements into your questions, you will truly stand out. 🤓

That's why we developed a unique question type called "Drag to column" within the Peekator platform.

With this feature, you can insert images, emojis, texts, etc. above and below, and then frame it as a question, asking the respondents to make matches.

Do you know what the results are? Respondents love it! 😍

They will provide you with better answers and increased engagement.

This innovative question type was developed for one of our clients, and they experienced a significant boost in engagement.

"Drag to column" is just one example of the several innovative question types available on the Peekator platform.

We are dedicated to building a platform that offers the best respondent experience out there. 🚶🏼